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don't try to be funneh !
want the codes please ask me :D
if not i may rape you .__.

Saturday, May 30, 2009 ; 1:13 PM {♥}

Juz came back from sch,band practice.So sian,sax audition was lyk so stupid?I cant even play the scale correctly,everything was lyk squeaking??Elise and I was lyk,wth??juz now practise we can play,but when it comes to the audtion,the sounds become so wierd??So we are goin to hav another audition,haizz.Im goin to miss out 12 hours of practice!!!by the time I come back,others will be ahead of me le... Mr Wong said tat he will giv me enough time to practise before he audition us again...): I really dun lyk brasses leh,I dun wan to go trumpet section???!!! Now everybody is saying tat I will kana kick out....): ): yeah....maybe....

I will be goin off on mon...yeah so many projects to do...so sian...lols

Je t'aime {}

Thursday, May 28, 2009 ; 5:18 PM {♥}

hmmm,today went to science centre for pond study with 2B.yeap,it was quite fun lah,not too bad.Yesterday I heard the other classes saying tat the workshop was very boring but still ok lah.We get to catch animals and plants from the pond,haha with ur bare hands.lol We used the net to scoop up the plants then look for small animals lyk fishes??between the roots,using ur hands.At first was lyk quite disgusting but after tat ok le.Some ppl caught fishes,prawns and snails etc.I caught 1 damselfly nymph and 1 insect(dk wats tat).All the creatures are lyk so small lor,having difficulties to find and catch them.After tat,Mr Adam showed us how the dragonfly nymph eats its prey,which is lyk dam gross??quite alot of ppl were screaming lyk hell,including me -.- Dam sian,didnt manage to bring the camera so cant take photos.): After the workshop,we went to the Mac.The queues were lyk dam long,managed to ask Wil to help me buy 1 (L) fries. :D then went back to sch,discussed with the class committee abt the PTC duty roster.After tat,went back with Letazia,Lian Jian,Wil and Ben.

Waiting for our turn to go in...

Sheng Yao

On our way back...

Chin Rong

James trying to cover his face... xD

Yeah 'fighting' with raymond??


Nikki and Ilmia.(:

James. D: haha lols

Li Yang.

Je t'aime {}

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 ; 3:51 PM {♥}

ok,today was dam irritating.Arguing abt the class tee matter.Wat too ex,design not nice.WTH wat can I do?! zzz nvm dun talk abt tat le.Yesterday,Elise and I stayed back to practice sax,to prepare for the audition on wed.Took some photos cos nth to do mah.lols

Gina's sax :D

Shen Yun practising...

Today was almost late for sch(7.15,for me.lol) rush rush rush.After I reached the sch,ran all the way to parade square,put down my bag,took out my tie then chiong all the way to the council room.lols yeah,same things.Check ur attire and nails then go and do duty le.Dun feel lyk talking abt sch... and ya.tat Jing Ying was trying to hide behind me so tat Jon wont slap her??lols dunno wat happen to them.I slap u,u slap me. -.- She said wat he slapped her so she muz hide behind me so tat he will not hit her again???!! lols
After sch,went back with Raymond,Lian Jian,Wil,Ben and Nigel.Talk alot of crap on the train.lols yeah took some photos:

Wil and Ben trying to demo...

Lian Jian,Wil and Nigel...

Wil trying to slap Ben?? lols

Yeah,Nigel is waiting for me to help him take the photo xD

Lian Jian

Ben trying to hide away from me by covering his face.haha lol

Yeap Lian Jian again. -.-

Je t'aime {}

Saturday, May 23, 2009 ; 1:32 PM {♥}

ok,juz rmb tat it was Pei Chun's b'day after reading Sarah's blog. so
It was on 12 May,wah so long already.Yeah 76th birthday(: goin to open the time capsule in another 24 years.I miss PCPS and 6B alot man,idk why,I juz miss them...getting teased by the guys,hanging out with my sis and besties... and all the teachers... 6B,the craziest class among all the p6 classes,we can cheer and clap at any time.so fun.hyper.If only I can,I wish I can go back to Pei Chun NOW...I wonder if there are any class gathering during the june holidays.I want to go out with u guys!!!!

hmm,this morning went to sch for band practice.ok I noe im stupid.I cant even play the scale well,I might be transferring to another sections since they only need 1 tenor sax,and Elise can play MUCH better than me.haizz most probably will be the trumpet.goin to hav a audition on nxt band practice.I dun wan eh...haizzz Ben and Timothy complained tat the class tee design sux,and they wan to change if not they will not pay for it.wth is this?! Jana already went to order the class tee yesterday!!!how to change the order??!! haizz u guys ar,trying to make things difficult for us iszit?Yesterday Jana drew the design on the board and all of u juz kept quiet,ur did not say anything abt the design so we juz take it tat u guys wan tat design.So I asked Jana to go and order first as we need to pass the class tee to Mr Wang before he leaves,and the uncle said tat they need 2 weeks to complete.Amanda.w gonna collect them and pass Mr Wang's to him during the meet the parents session as Jana and I will be away on the first week of the holidays.btw,I think the colour of the shirt shd be orange,pls dun complain anymore.We hav been talking abt this since 2 months ago??and we cant decide on the colour as everybody has different opinions.so yeah,no choice already.

Je t'aime {}

Friday, May 22, 2009 ; 2:21 PM {♥}

Juz came back from,actually im suppose to stay back with S.L.I.M.E to do the sci project but m.y forgot to bring the ws so we hav to postpone to nxt week.dam sian lah need to do sci,geog and lit projects during the holidays.Maybe there are more projects coming up?haiz im away for the 1st and 2nd week,Elise,M.Y and Letazia are away on the 3rd week.So we only left with the 4th week to complete our project,and is lyk last min lah.We wanted to do this 2 weeks before the holidays,but nxt week M.T got tuition on Mon to Thu,M.Y got cca on Tue to Fri,then the rest of us also hav cca.haiz cant find any time to meet.Im goin to miss out the band camp and the practices,how am I goin to catch up with the rest?!I still hav 2 council camps but the dates are not confirmed yet.

ok,today did not hav lesson,learnt to dance hip hop and play the wat ball(cant rmb).Hip hop was nice but the game was lyk...sian.Everybody were lyk standing there,doing nth.I was in the same group as 1B,so sad cant be in the same group as the others.Register no. 1 to 8 were asked to join the other group,so hav to play with the other classes and is lyk super boring lor.1F was lyk having alot of fun,then we were lyk so sian.lols Stupid lah this morning got scolded by the same teacher again.wth lah Deston's leg was bleeding,so I turned around and passed him the tissue.Then the freaking teahcer said wat erm im not listening to the announcements,wat say why cant I pass it to him later.He even asked me to change my specs,cos it is pink colour.He said wat the sch rules hav stated tat only blue and black colour specs are allowed.wtf he is the 1st teacher who complained abt my specs.zzz watever.sian tmr got band practice,need to wake up early. aiya gtg le,see ya(:

Je t'aime {}

Monday, May 18, 2009 ; 5:23 PM {♥}

Haha took this from Yu Jun's blog :D


See if you can do this.Read each line aloud without making any mistakes.
If you make a mistake,you MUST start over or it wont work.

This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is moron cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is forty cat
This is seconds cat
Now go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top...

another one:

I knew a blonde that was so stupid that... ...
*she called me to get my phone number.
*she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said "concentrate".
*she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.
*she tried to put M&Ms in alphabetical order.
*she tried to drown a fish.
*she thought a quarterback was a refund.
*she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
*she tripped over a cordless phone.
*she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
*she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.
*she studied for a blood test.
*she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
*when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.
*when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.
*when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said "Airport Left", she turned around and went home.

hahaha lols

Je t'aime {}

; 4:06 PM {♥}

Today dam sian lah,art flair,need to do the board on sculpture and design the kite.The board was lyk,haiz,one word to describe,HORRIBLE.The sketching was lyk shit,last min then draw de.I didnt manage to draw or decorate anything on the kite as I was rushing to complete the board.So in the end,I juz handed in,only with my name written by Jana.Yeah,went to th ehall,collect the boards and kites then bring down to Mr Wang.After tat,he told us tat the top 10(whole lvl)for this term,4 of them was from our class:Marilyn.t,Muthita,Jana and me.I was lyk...'huh?! Are u sure?!' I got B4 for sci and history!!! u noe??!!! maybe im the 10th?? aiya idk lah.but seriously,I think our class' result quite gd, muz keep up the gd work(: hehe I saw Lavon when I was collecting the kites and boards,and yeah he was lyk...'hyper girl' haha as usual xD ya then chit-chat for a while lor haha the only diff is tat today we got shake hands :D haha lol ok I noe im being stupid.Join the rest,Jana and I went to take our bags then we sat behind.Thomas took Jana's bag and went all the way to the front,so we also went all the way to the front to take back our bags.So troublesome.We were busy talking to James and Raymond at the back,nev even pay attention to wat they r talking abt.

oya,btw,the result of the recruitment for the 8th councilors was out.sian Grace and I got in.Im still wondering whether I shd report to the council room on Wed.I didnt expect me to get in lor I talked alot of crap during the interview lah.Alot ppl nev went for the 2nd round interview,I was also thinking whether I shd drop out,but is lyk very irresponsible eh so in the end I went lor.I was planning to flunk the interview but idk wat happen!!! I actually got in!!! Now im lyk,dk wat to do??haiz I shall ask my mum again later...

everything remain the same...maybe i shd transfer??? [yu jun] but no matter wat,I will also rmb tat I still hav ALOT of besties in 6B(:

this msg is for MORTEN: u dun hav to be a busybody rite?bother abt wat happen between me and the Js,u dun hav the right to say anything.anws u are juz a coward hu dun even dare to put down ur name.lols

Je t'aime {}

Saturday, May 16, 2009 ; 1:21 PM {♥}

Tagged by Yu Jun:

Starting time: 13.37
Name: Look at my profile lah got my big,fat name there.lol
Sisters: 2
Shoe size: Dunno
Height: 160+ around there?
Where do you live: Singapore???
Fallen asleep in school: Dun think so...
Fell off your chair: Duh
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yeah
What is your room like: Kind of messy
What's right beside you: My phone(:
What is the last thing you ate: Yoghurt with Aloe Vera
Broken nose: Never
Do you believe in love at first sight: Erm..maybe??
Like picnics: Hmm,I hav nev gone to a picnic before eh lol
Who is the person...You last danced with: I dont dance??
Who last made you smile: Jean??
You last yelled at: Dunno
Today did you...talk to someone you like: Dunno
Kiss anyone: Obviously NO???
Get sick: Duh
Miss someone: Yeah...
Who do you really hate: I dk eh...
Do you like your hand-writting: Nah
Are your toe nails painted: Nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: I hav no idea
What colour shirt are you wearing now: White
Are you a friendly person: Dunno
Do you have any pets: Nope
Do you sleep with the TV on: some times??
What are you doing right now: Doing this quiz??
Can you handle the truth: Depends...
Are you closer to your mum or dad: My mum?? idk
Do you eat healthy: No way
Do you still have pictures of you and ur ex: Nope??
If you're having a bad day,who will you most likely go to: My frens??? idk
Are you noisy or quiet most of the time: Noisy??
Are you confident: Dun think so...

Je t'aime {}

Friday, May 15, 2009 ; 9:14 PM {♥}

Happy BELATED Birthday 李老师!!! xD

Happy Belated Birthday 李老师!!! Hope to see u soon!!! Miss u man haha lol

Nowadays sch life... haiz nvm dun feel lyk talking abt it.Im really glad tat im in 6B'08,they are also there for me...no matter wat(: I miss 6B'08!!!! ): Yu Jun, Kels, Melissa, YY, Janet, Heidi, Stef, Justin,Si Hui, Sim Hong, Si Han and the rest of 6B!!! anyway,juz now I was talking to Si Hui and Yu Jun on msn(part of the conversation only) :

Yu Jun: WHAT?! They kick u out?
Si Hui:How dare they kick my sis out of the group
Yu Jun: What de...at 6B we fight for u de leh
Yu Jun: kels,me,yunyi,heidi want u
Si Hui: u r our proud monitress
Yu Jun: (:
Si Hui: U didnt mention abt me
Yu Jun:okay...and si hui hoho
Si Hui:The whole class will fight for u
cos u r a 6B'08-ian
Yu Jun: haha...sec sch is lyk that de lah...pri sch frens r better

then bla bla... ...

Yu Jun:hey Iris,wanna transfer?
ME: I really feel lyk transferring...I cant stand anymore...
Si Hui:Transfer takes abt half a year
ME:but... ...
Si Hui: very chi kui one
Yu Jun: haha wat sch?
wont lah
ME: IDK,see 1st lah...
Yu Jun:sec 2 can wat

bla bla...

Yeah,haha I noe ur may not understand wat we are talking abt.but nvm lah Luckily I still hav all this 6B-ians besties... (: They are the best lor :D hope there will be gathering during the holidays... (: oya,juz got back my results.everything sucks.El A2,HCL A1,Maths A1,Sci B4,History B4(I think so),Lit A1,DnT C5.I pro rite DnT,from A1 drop to C5.History,from A1 to B4.Sian lah got fever,then cant concentrate so didnt manage to revise sci and history.haizz its over anywany.eh gtg le nxt time then post again.Byeeees(:

hope that things will get better...life sucks

Je t'aime {}

Monday, May 4, 2009 ; 5:06 PM {♥}

ok idk wat happen to my previous post,the font colour turn out to be black so u hav to hightlight then can see.lol

Je t'aime {}

; 3:17 PM {♥}

Happy Birthday YU JUN!!! (:

haha ok I noe ur b'day is in 2 days time,but in case I cant use the com so I better say 1st haha.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! xD hope we can meet up during the june holi. haha(:

yeah,today was the EL paper 2 and History.I think I gonna fail this 2 subjects le... the El was lyk... haizz nvm I think ur shd noe.eh History was lyk DAM difficult lah.For the short ans qns,out of the 5 qns,I got 2 dk how to do. -.- source-based qns were quite ok except some parts.ya then followed by the structured qns.wah this is the one than im talking abt.DAM DIFFICULT LAH I chose qn 1 and 2 coz I dun even noe wat qn 3 is talking abt.If im not wrong,qn 1 shd be abt the society thingy,the caste system then qn 2 is abt the religion thingy iszit? aiya I cant rmb le lah,it shd be smth lyk tat.the structured qns is 40 marks eh,50% of the total.die.I left 1 or 2 parts blank... haizz art prep work not done,tmr is lit. o ya sian lah last Sat I got HIGH fever lah,cant even concentrate on my revision.Sat I slept throughout the whole day then I only left Sun to revise History.wth 10 chapters eh its killing me lah studied the whole day but lyk nth went inside. ok fine anyway,its already over. k gtg and bath le after that muz revise lit.zzz BYE!

Je t'aime {}

th' laddyyyye {♥}
Me,Myself &! I.
♥ iloveyou :D

Friendly & Hyper
& i'm abnormal :D
1 yr-older on every 17 March
Pei Chun Public School-6B'08
Presbyterian High School 1Faith'09
Symphonic Band
Tenor-saxophonist :D
8th student council ^^
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You


cravings {♥}
please grant me !
{♥}Go to the same sec school as my best friends!(Cannot be fulfilled anymore)
{♥}Friends 4ever!
{♥}A new op or bilabong pencil case
{♥}New nike water bottle
{♥}New sch bag
{♥}myuk wallet
{♥}More colour pens!
{♥}Change specs (:
{♥}New phone
{♥}zinc haversack
{♥}New sch bag
{♥}Rebond my hair
{♥}1Faith Class Tee!
{♥}A trip to Japan
{♥}A trip to Korea
{♥}Grow taller ):
{♥}Meet primary sch friends again
{♥}Good grades
{♥}More money$$
{♥}Free Unlimited SMS-Contract
{♥}Slim down
{♥}Longer fringe

Chu Yin(:
Kang Wei
Kai Juin
Yun Yi♥♥
Jun Jie♥
Si Han♥
Yi Cong
Fan Yang(:
Sim Hong♥
Jing Yi
Yu Jun♥♥
Si Hui♥♥
Jing Mei♥
1 Faith'09
Iris xD
Xin Ni
She Teng(:
Amanda Lim
Marilyn Tan^^
Ghim Xin(:
Amanda Woon^^
Jing Ying(:
Marilyn Yeo(:
Chia Chuan(:
How Yi(:
Sheng Yao(:
Li Yang
Chin Rong
Lian Jian(:

Crappyy {♥}
no spamming pls. ty:D

Kiss Good-bye {♥}
byyyyyyyyyyyyyes ; (:
people viewing

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