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if not i may rape you .__.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 ; 9:45 PM {♥}

Did 2.4 yesterday,sian.My timing was worse than the last round.zzz who cares,its over anw.Yesterday was kinda boring,everyone was tired after the 2.4,wasn't in the mood to study.Had a surprise el class test,terrible.I flunked the test. >.< Gd for me(: LOL We did some experiment in the sci lab,nid to heat up the metal so tat it will expand.Jana and I took turns to heat tat thingy up,until we cannot stand liao then we gav up cos tat ball is lyk,dam slow lah.Dun even noe got expand or not,can pass through the ring lor,tried alot of times le but still the same.lols After sch,ate lunch then went for the HCL extra lesson. Got into our group and was asked to translate a el newspaper article into a chinese version.We asked the teacher what is ChannelNewsasia in chinese and she said she dk? She everything also say dk de lor.

Had HE today,it was dam boring lah.wth I cant stand it le lah,every lesson go through textbk,do workbk.so sian.and is lyk early in the morning?first period.Can fall asleep I tell u.After tat was el.Our group was asked to act tat Humpty Dumpty thingy.I laughed through the whole thing lah,and we are supposed to act lyk as if ur favourite pet dog has died.LOL wat kind of qn is this?Followed by geog,maths and CF.We went to take class photo at the end of the lesson.I will look dam retarded in tat photo I tell u.lols hmmmm,went to settle smth first before going for lunch with Cherylin and Elise.Sry to keep ur waiting): I didnt know it will take so long.haha lol.They insisted to go coffee shop and eat so I just followed them lor.We only left with lyk 10 mins?!Ran all the way there and back.Cherylin went to buy fish and chip then Elise went to buy duck rice.Not enough time le so I just buy one cup of soya bean.LOLS but its dam nice(: Rushed back for DISC before we are caught by Ms tang for being late.LOL Trained back with Cherylin,Joey,Lian Jian,Nigel and Benjamin.I wanted to do maths,but I really dk a single thing abt the last qn.zzz sian fedup.Leave it aside,took out HE wb.Sian again.Hav to complete TWO chapters.hiazz boring boring boring.lols
gtg and revise for my lit test.seeya.

haizz,this is getting more and more complicated...

Je t'aime {}

Saturday, July 25, 2009 ; 11:35 PM {♥}

Hihi(: Very long never post liao,this few days kinda busy.Will be having alot of tests nxt week:
Mon:Science Test(Chapter 10)
Tue:Geog quiz
Wed:Lit Test
Thu:Geog Test(Chapter 11 and 12)

ARGHHHHH,common test is coming!! Wah dam fast.I can tell you that Im not prepared. I think im going to do very badly for this common test 2.Home econs is boring,equally the same as D&T.zzz can bored to death.LOL Im trying to do the HE coursework now,wth is tat.ASEAN countries??? Nid to create one EXCITING dish using signature flavours and ingredients of the chosen ASEAN country.We hav to use at least THREE appropriate herbs and ONE spice in your new interesting dish.(I just copy whatever its inside)

Homework for this weekend:
1)HE coursework
2)Collect 2 newspaper articles(Man's internal relationship environment)
3)CL wb ex. 5
4)Geog wb,ws 11.3 and 11.4
5)Maths ws-Graph
6)Finally,revise for ALL the tests(I hav not even started yet lah.LOL)

Gotta run 2.4 on mon.zzz I felt so noob,standingbroad jumb 154cm???!!! OMG from 177 to 154???!!! unbelievable sia.Sian,I tried thrice and I kept getting the same result.ARGHH.Im going to fail my 2.4 and shutter run.lol.his week was a busy week,managed to complete the board game for racial harmony day and all those crappy stuff.

hmmm,went for band today.very pek chek.I cant even play the scale well): so sian.At first I cant play middle C,after that when we move on to D,and we went back to C again,I cant play.-.- wth.I spent most of the time practicing scale.Elise was playing Green Apple March and we totally didnt touch on Mujula Singapura.After that during the combined practise,we were asked to play Majula Singapura,Elise and I cant even play a single thing?!That was the second time I saw the score.arghhh so frustrated today.I felt so lousy lor,I cant even play the scale correctly,how to play a song?haizz I can tell that Qian Yu was going crazy cos of me.'Yes yes!correct!','No No!' haha.dam funny lor.After that,went back with Elise and Cherylin.Bought breads from the Cheers.Went to eat lunch with Jean and my dad.Came back and do hw.Boring boring boring.Tmr is Ah ma's b'day(: gonna celebrate for her tmr.Gotta go,byeee(: post nxt time.

Je t'aime {}

Thursday, July 16, 2009 ; 6:30 PM {♥}

Everything as usual,we had 3 periods of Maths today,the chapel was taken by Ms Chin.Talked abt graphs and blablabla.Played 'catching' in class today,trying to get back my water bottle,pencil case and bag from James,Raymond and Nigel. -.- After sch,went to look for Gina to help her bring back her file.She's going somewhere later I think.Trained back with Cherilyn,Letazia,Lian Jian,Raymond,Jerald,Nigel and Wil. Yesterday we had DISC workshop,haha dam funny lor.Not lyk the previous time,dam boring.LOL Went to market for lunch with Thomas,MarilynS and Letazia.I saw Jemima,Cherylin and Elise there.After tat,Jobeth,Joey Jana were also there.Marilyn.y,Letazia and I ate the fishsoup noodles,it was dam hot.Kept rushing,as we were late.Everybody ran back to sch,then Thomas said he wants to go and buy drinks? -__- late liao eh,still want to buy. Ran all the way up to class.Luckily the teacher not there.Took our temperture then we saw Thomas kana caught by the teacher outside and he was asked to cut his hair?lols. Enjoyed the workshop very much.:D super funny.

[erm,I think u all hav to start reading from the bottom for this part,cos I have made some mistakes here]
4th meeting.(think so?)We went to Marilyn.t's house to do the geog project.We stayed in her room for the whole morning then Elise went back while the rest of us went to Subway(in Bishan)to eat lunch.After lunch,went back to her house again to continue.After tat,went back with Letazia and Firdaus(saw him outside the mrt station,also doing project I think.)

On the way to m.t's house,the 3 of them trying to hide behind the board.LOL (MarilynS and Letazia.)

Everybody was distracted by the computer!!

Finally,the board was done,but without all those info and pic lah.LOL

2nd meeting in sch. Marilyn.t brought along her sis lap to do the literature review and the reports.Elise wasn't there cos I think she got smth on.Letazia and I were doing the house while MarilynS were working on the reports.We wrote alot of craps in order to reach 1000 words.We saw Mr Wang and Mr Loh.Mr Loh even asked us whether we want to eat durians?? Used alot of effort on the house which is only a bonus.anw,it is still very nice.haha.(: Letazia suggested to put a'slimy resident'on top of the door,everybody was lyk'wat?!dont want lah'LOL I measured the cardboards wrongly so in the end there was a hole at the top there.Cut other boards to cover the holes,used watever kinds of tape we hav to put the rooftop tgt.

Our model(: (without the boards underneath) :

Did the geog and sci projects during the June holidays.Letazia,Marilyn.y and I met at YCK mrt station and we went to AMK library.(tat was the first meeting for me,away for 2 weeks) We went to sign up for the com,then did some research,discussed abt the projects.Marilyn.y need to leave early so Letazia and I went to AMK hub to eat lunch then we went to buy the materials. Went back to the library again to continue with our work.There was once when Letazia went to the toilet,so I was alone there.A librarian came up to me and said tat we are not allowed to do or project in the library,if we want to do,we shd go CC and do.I was lyk: huh?CC? community centre?how to do? -.- LOL

Making the supporters for the house.

Half-done solar panel.We wanted to use the can thingy,but it is not easy to find so many for the solar panel,so we decided to use the aluminium foil to replace it.We hav to cut into pieces,then fold them for dk how many times.

Cutting the board.

Folding the aluminium.


Last Sun,we went to my aunt's house to celebrate my uncle's b'day.I took some photos while waiting for the dinner.

He's a boy,althought he wears pinks.LOL

Very cute right? haha xD

Yeah,some more phtos from East Coast:

haha,he's trying to take the camera when im abt to snap. O_O


Je t'aime {}

Monday, July 13, 2009 ; 4:36 PM {♥}

Did pull up during PE for Napfa,didnt hav time to do standing broad jump for the girls. Changed PE teacher from Mr Tan to Mr Ong.haha I thought he was quite strict,but after lesson,I found him very cute.haha lol xD Noob,I only did 15 for the pull ups,if only I can do one more,I can get an 'A'. lols. Lessons as per normal,so bored.Ms Chin didnt come today,but still need to do the class test which I have totally forgotten abt it.After sch,went back with Cherylin,Lian Jian,Nigel and Wil by train.haha,I was told tat Benjamin was waiting for me to tell him the*uh hem* lols.He said he missed two trains just to wait for me but then in the end he cant stand anymore so he just go back on his own lor. Alight at Admiraty with Lian Jian,and Wil was trying to be bo liao,he came down from the train then take 913 to Woodlands.LOL!
Went to East Coast with my cousins,aunties and her friends on the day before sch reopens.(before the the extended holiday)I cant really rmb what had happen over there as that was like 13 days ago? lol. We went to rent the bicycles then just cycle around till I got lost? O.O All my cousins and sisters were infront of me,they cycled so fast that I cant even catch up with them.Ok fine,I know im slow. -.- In the end,I cycled the whole beach for abt 1h? I nearly reached changi.LOL wat the,so tiring. Then asked around where is the Burger King then finally found them.Found them playing in the sand. :@ zzz

My cousin! (: very cute right.haha

Kinda of dark...

Yeah! xD where are they looking....

What happen to the internet uh,cant upload tat photo.(me and my cousin.(: )Will upload when I hav time.byeees...:D
haha,was looking at Marilyn.t's pm: I risk my life to go save kailin. haha xD it reminds me of Jemima.haha lols

Je t'aime {}

Sunday, July 12, 2009 ; 3:35 PM {♥}

Yeah,finally can upload the photos le.I just show you guys some of it as the others are not appropriate.LOL We took too many photos le,abt 500+?! From 1st to 8th June,we stayed in Fujian,my house.Three-storey! lol. My dad went back on 8th June as he cant take such a long leave,then my aunt(阿姨) went to Guangzhou with her friends.On 9th,my mum,2 sis and I went to meet up with my aunts(姑姑),uncles(姑丈and叔叔) and grandma.In case you all cant differentiate who is who,so must also write down in CL.LOL Then we went to Zhangzhou together,stayed in 5-stars hotels for 2 nights then went to Quanzhou.After that, went back to Fujian again.We went to look for our new house,shopping,eating and blablabla.

Before boarding the plane...

On the plane... ... took these through the window..

Clouds!! lol

Nice right?

Nothing better to do,very bored mah.lol so just take lor.my bag.
Reaching Xiamen airport:

My house dog,can see the pink fur? :D

Yeah,this is joss-stick,very special right? Is very different from the one we see in Singapore.

Climbing up the hill.

The view from the summit of the hill.

Goat?saw this on the way up to the hill.lol

Can you believe it?! I climbed all the way up to the top.LOL

Firecrackers! right outside my house.LOL
and inside the house,the mark left behind.LOL
DUCKS! In the backyard.

My neighbour.LOL so random. Meimei.
In Zhangzhou...
taking the tricycle to the shopping centre.It cost about $1,very cheap right?
On the way back to the hotel.Sat with my mum and Jean.dam squeezy sia.

小姑and Gina.(: kinda blur...

Teapot. :D

The kind of stove that the ppl from the past used,they hav to start the fire with the firewoods instead of the gas that we are using now.

The bed.

The kind of shoes that the women wear in the past,super small.

The old type of iron.

A 58-metre statue! D:

I hav forgotten wat is the name for this,but it is smth like a clock,we can know wat time iszit by looking at the shadow of that pointed 'stick'? lol

Uncle Daniel. O_O
In Quan zhou....
They say if you can climb up the statue and touch its ear,which looks like a question mark,then you can live up till 120 years old?? dk,that was what the tour guide told us.(haha small crabby >_O)
GINA!(: (statue of confucius)
ME! :D (statue of Lao Zi)
Jean! @_@ (Confucius)
All kinda blur...lol

Je t'aime {}

th' laddyyyye {♥}
Me,Myself &! I.
♥ iloveyou :D

Friendly & Hyper
& i'm abnormal :D
1 yr-older on every 17 March
Pei Chun Public School-6B'08
Presbyterian High School 1Faith'09
Symphonic Band
Tenor-saxophonist :D
8th student council ^^
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You


cravings {♥}
please grant me !
{♥}Go to the same sec school as my best friends!(Cannot be fulfilled anymore)
{♥}Friends 4ever!
{♥}A new op or bilabong pencil case
{♥}New nike water bottle
{♥}New sch bag
{♥}myuk wallet
{♥}More colour pens!
{♥}Change specs (:
{♥}New phone
{♥}zinc haversack
{♥}New sch bag
{♥}Rebond my hair
{♥}1Faith Class Tee!
{♥}A trip to Japan
{♥}A trip to Korea
{♥}Grow taller ):
{♥}Meet primary sch friends again
{♥}Good grades
{♥}More money$$
{♥}Free Unlimited SMS-Contract
{♥}Slim down
{♥}Longer fringe

Chu Yin(:
Kang Wei
Kai Juin
Yun Yi♥♥
Jun Jie♥
Si Han♥
Yi Cong
Fan Yang(:
Sim Hong♥
Jing Yi
Yu Jun♥♥
Si Hui♥♥
Jing Mei♥
1 Faith'09
Iris xD
Xin Ni
She Teng(:
Amanda Lim
Marilyn Tan^^
Ghim Xin(:
Amanda Woon^^
Jing Ying(:
Marilyn Yeo(:
Chia Chuan(:
How Yi(:
Sheng Yao(:
Li Yang
Chin Rong
Lian Jian(:

Crappyy {♥}
no spamming pls. ty:D

Kiss Good-bye {♥}
byyyyyyyyyyyyyes ; (:
people viewing

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