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don't try to be funneh !
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if not i may rape you .__.

Thursday, December 3, 2009 ; 3:57 PM {♥}

Actually I don't really care about this blog since its like so dead, but for the sake Marilyn.T, I shall post this (:
Anw, came back from council camp last night, it was fun but yet tiring.

First day
Report at school in the morning, 7.30am and had briefing. Some of the alumni and sec 4s also came back. I can't rmb whats the name of the first game, but its smth like, erm you have to choose to go up to someone and say "Do you love me?" If that person doesn't laugh, you can tickle him/her until he/she laughs, if not you must choose someone else. You can also reply "I love you but I can't laugh" then they will continue ask you funny qns until you laugh. I was dam suay, did forfeit twice, chicken dance and smth else. Chicken dance at 8am?! Second game was ice-breaking, if i'm not wrong. There was this ice-cream container with frozen water and egg inside, then we are suppose to like take out the egg without breaking it. The egg was frozen tgt with the water. After that, we need to like melt the ice, then the water must be dripped into the container, until it is half-filled. We moved to the other side of the parade square so that we are facing the sun. Most of us tried to rub the ice in between your palms until our hands turn white. Firdaus tried to break the ice into smaller pieces, he threw the ice on the floor then the ice hit the container, the water spilled out. It was already 1/4 filled, then all of us quickly scoop the water up from the floor. Then we were told that we need to finish that water up, our expressions became :O! "HUH?! REALLY?!" Then Firdaus said "Its okay lah, we are councillors! Lets EAT SHIT AND DIE!" LOL!! Next activity shd be smth shuffle, the one that everyone has to stand on a bench, then every time one person will be on the floor arranging us according to the topic like tallest to the shortest, the first letter of the place you live etc. Next was spider-web.There were alot of strings tied on the two benches, then everyone must go the other side by climbing through the holes in between. Once that hole is used by someone else, you must look for the other holes. That game was quite tiring, have to carry ppl up and down.

Had nasi lemak for lunch then played poke ball. Everyone was given a pair of wooden chopsticks, then we must use the chopsticks to support the basketball and pass it from this end to the other end. Each time there can only be 12 chopticks touching the ball, and the whole of the tip of the chopstick shd touch the ball, not half touched, if not we have to restart again. After that game, we went up to the 3rd floor staff room to do the work review, then either Ms Chong or Ms Goh will check. We need to write down all the duties and events that we have done and helped out with, still must explain etc and many many other stuff. Do until you die, do wrongly, erase, redo. Must write alot alot. Finally when everyone is done. we went back to CCA block and played the pepsi cola 123 and a.e.i.o.u then still have what combined games etc. There was this game, idk whats the title lah, its like one person has to think of the number between 1 to 300 then the rest have to guess what is the number. That person will tell you what is the range of the numbers. If you lose, you have to do a dare or dare dare. That was what Winnie(alumni) said. Brian lost one of the games, he was asked to bring the green colour dustbin outside the band room to the council room there, where all the exco, sec 4, alumni and Ms Chong were over there, and shout out loud "I LOVE DUSTBIN!" then lick the dustbin. And he did it! OMG, so gross. Then Samantha(alumni) treat him lemon barley. lol

After dinner(mayo chicken rice) was night-walk. whhhoooo.. Sijia off all the lights in canteen then she told us ghost stories to scare us. But not too bad lah, so many ppl sitting tgt. The night-walk will be at the DnT block, 1st and 2nd floor. We sat at the roadside, near DnT block to wait for our turn. The sec 3s went first, sec 1s then sec 2s. All the ghosts are sec 4s and the alumni. We were blind-folded, then we must keep holding on to the string as you walk, on the way, there will be ppl asking you qns. Btw, we were alone. At first I was dam scared, so I was walking super slow then suddenly I heard someone calling me to walk faster then they will make fun of you uh. Grab your leg, put lightstick on your head, make funny funny sound. I think I said alot of lame things to them. After night-walk, all the sec 1s and 2s were told to sit down beside the parade square, still blind-folded, then all of them kept making fun of us. Pull my shoelace, rubberband, throw lightsticks at me then I threw back. lol. Did some cheers in the parade square before going to bath then sleep at 12+, girls bunk was at C2-08.

Second day
Woke up at 6.45am, went to wash up and changed into white colour pe and trackpants. Had bread and milo as breakfast, they make the milo until so plain, tasteless then nobody wants to drink, cannot finish so they ask the sec 1s to refill our bottles with milo up to the brim, and all our bottles are like those 1L kind one. Wah, so we drank milo for the whole day. After breakfast, had area cleaning before going to the AVA for leadership workshop, everyone went, sec 1 to 3. The workshop was quite long, from 9am to around 6pm. Played alot of games, but I must cut short, if not I won't be able to finish typing. The most challenging game was the ladder climbing one. Is like, 2 ppl will hold on to one wooden stick, one at each side. Then everybody stand side by side, there will be 2 rows then someone will be climbing on top, from this end to the other end. Its dam painful, now my whole leg especially the knee part whole thing blue-black. Birdie and Jiajun are buddies then we called them bird and dog, ahahah, so bad right. After workshop, had debrief then break camp liao.

I will be away from 7 Dec to 16 Dec for a course ):

Je t'aime {}

Friday, November 20, 2009 ; 3:12 PM {♥}

Tags replies

17 Nov 09, 14:22
Marilyn.T: Music gungun!! HAHA
HAHAH, I know its your favourite!

17 Nov 09, 18:59
Deston: I'm not bloody on a diet >.>
17 Nov 09, 18:59
Deston: and i didnt bloody said yes >.> Exaggerate la.tsktsktsk
YES! You did okay?! Don't try to cheat me lah. LOL

17 Nov 09, 21:41
marilyn yeo: ehh.. specific properly leh.. i overslept cos i ate medicine :X anyways tagged.
Okay lah, hahah thanks! ^^


6B Gathering!! <3

Woke up at 7.30am and packed all the stuff before meeting Stefanie, Elizabeth, Zia, Kelsey, Yu Jun, Si Hui, Valerie, and Edwin at toa payoh centre, under the popular there at 9am. After that, took mrt back to Bishan again =.= to take bus 13 to east coast. It was a pretty long journey.

Reached there, went to the MacDonald to meet up with the others, but only saw Jing Mei and Kai Juin over there, using computer. Then Josephine, Si Han, Shanice arrived, sat down and chit-chat while waiting for the rest to come. Justin, JJ, Anderton and Zon came then we went out and go cycling. Some of us went to rent bicycle, but Kels rented(?) the skates then some of them went to take a walk. And its like, i'm not good at cycling, so abit...you know. I waited for Kels to wear her skates while the rest go first so she and I were at the back, talk crap at the same time. lol I brought the wrong bag lah, its so difficult to cycle with my bag. Actually, Si Han wanted to carry for me since they are going for a walk but I said its okay then in the end, crashed! Fall down, then part of my left toe nail and the skin came off. ewweee. Pain lor, so I sat down and washed the wound then the next thing when I realised was that everyone was back, they all heard that I fell down so they came back. awe, so sweet. Then when JJ asked, "Eh ai li si, are you okay?" I was like, how to describe? Nowadays, nobody calls me ai li si, only some of the ppl in 6B do that, and its like it has been so long since someone last called me ai li si. I miss that kind of feeling.

And so after that, I don't dare to cycle again so Zon used mine since his got problem. At first Kels wanted to take mine but she tried, cannot. Then went to find a shady place and put down all our bags, had some drinks then some of them continued cycling, some stayed there to look after the bags, and of course I was one of them.Afterwards, we went for lunch tgt at MacDonald, and Vanessa came. Elizabeth, Yu Jun, kels and I went to return the bicycle so we went in late. Kels pushed the bicycle while I walked back with her. Four of us went to order the same thing, fillet-o-fish MacValue lunch.

After lunch, went to the beach and played for awhile. When I went into the water, the plaster on my toe came off, so I went back again to put another one, then when I went back into the water, it came off again. So in the end, I got so fed up, I didn't put anything at all. I didn't bother what infection then I just went off and join the others. opps. Justin bought a beachball, but I don't know what happen, it somehow dropped into the water and it was too far for us to get it back. Then he got emo, so JJ, Zon and Ander(6B's 4 Musketeers!) went to talk with him then okay liao lor. After that was water bomb, throw here and there. And Justin's water bomb even have sand inside. We are very considerate okay, after finish playing we did pick up all the plastic bags and throw away. Everyone was wet so we went to change. After changing, everyone then realised that we do not have any plastic bags with us, how are we suppose to keep all the wet and dirty clothes? Shanice and Zara went to the burger king and helped everyone to get plastic bags. Then it started to drizzle. We walked to the burger king and sat down chit-chat, play then the 4 musketeers went back and we went out to the beach again, took some photos then most of us went back when the rain started to get heavier. Took the same route back with VP, Stef, Eli, Yu Jun, Si Hui, Kels and Valerie, almost everyone was sleeping on the bus.

Our lunch, fillet-o-fish. :D


Justin, Anderton, Zon and Valerie at the back.

6B's four musketeers! lol


Kind of weird...

There's some kind of problem over here, I will post the rest of the photos another time. Sorry!

Thu (yesterday)

Went to school at 8.30 to help Firdaus with the band library stuff. When I reached there, Kenneth, Shen Yun, Firdaus, She Teng and Deston were already there. Then slowly, more ppl came. After that went to buy lunch from the market and brought back to school to eat. And Firdaus treat everyone a cup of soya bean, he spent a total of $7 on the drinks! Then we saw the choir ppl in the market, Letazia, Amanda.w and Ghim Xin. They went there for lunch as they have Sing Out camp. Amanda cut her hair! But still very cute, hahah and she took out her braces already. After lunch, went back to band room to move all the instruments up to the seminar room. I wanted to help them but Firdaus told me to stay in the band room to cos they said i'm bai ka, so cannot move around. Thanks to my leg, I wore sandals to school yesterday then the floor is like so dirty, then my feet become very black. lol All the Holy Innocent choir ppl were outside the band room so have to ask them to move before we can bring out the percussion.

We went down earlier yesterday to do a stock check for all the instruments. Everybody moved down all their section instruments and note down all the serial numbers, brands, users etc. We found one old alto sax, Khidhir and Qian Yu tried playing and they said it sounds very nice, Khidhir even said he wants to play that. Etc. Had debrief then went back with Cherylin, Elise, Benjamin and Joey aston.

I banged onto the timpani yesterday, and I had a bruise infront of my left leg. Behind also have, a very big one, caused by the bicycle crash. Then my left toe is injured, my right feet got one big blister which hurts whenever it comes into contact with the water. And this morning, I accidentally tri[[ed over the table and my toe knocked against the legs of the table. OUCH!

Je t'aime {}

Monday, November 16, 2009 ; 8:23 PM {♥}

Tags replies

12 Nov 09, 23:20
JoeyOh: Goodnights(:
12 Nov 09, 23:19
JoeyOh: Aiya nvm la... Lol, anyway you told me is Coldplay. Hahah. xD
Ohh hahan kay.

14 Nov 09, 21:59
SAMANTHA.:: yoz! u going councillor camp? 很乱 lehhx ;D
I guess so, can choose meh? Yeah, luckily never crash with band. (:

Went out with Marilyns, Deston, James and Thomas (the usual 6 ppl) for sushi today. Thomas treat us! (: Finally, he used to say that for many mnay times, but he still didn't treat us in the end. lol Anw, leave my house at 11am, trained to yck to meet up with Marilyns and Deston. But Marilyn yeo overslept so we took bus to Broadway Plaza first to meet up with Thomas. Thomas said we can eat without them first, then later we can guide them here by calling them. Sat down, chit-chat abit then Thomas took 6 plates in one go. He said what we too shy, don't dare to take, so he shall take for us.lol Deston is on diet! O: We asked/forced him to eat, but he just didn't want to eat. When we ask him whether he's on diet or smth, he said yes. Then after Marilyn yeo arrived, we asked him again, he said no. O.o Waited for James to come, as he had tuition before that and Marilyn tan was playing with Thomas' new phone, touch screen and she doesn't know how to scroll down the songs. Oh ya, Thomas made a drink specially for James, which consist of : ice lemon tea, soy sauce, wasabi and hot water. EWE. and it stinks. When James arrived at amk, Thomas went out to bring him in, then we took alot of food for him, as if we are like serving him .lol

After lunch, we wanted to go Jubilee for movie, but they only have 4 movies over there: 2012, Jennifer's body, Astro Boy(Benjamin's favourite!!) and My Girlfriend is an agent. I have already watched My Girlfriend is An Agent, and Marilyn yeo said that 2012 was boring. Jennifer's body is NC16, and obviously all of us don't have the 16-year-old look and nobody wants to watch Astro Boy(except Benjamin!!!) so we went to the cinema in amk hub. They are almost all the same, they are either NC16, or some of us had already watched it, of some weird Hong Kong movie. We wanted to go window-shopping but its dam sian so we went to the arcade!! Had alot of fun there! Saw Lihao and Kevin over there, random.lol  Haha, and Marilyn tan wanted to play Music Gungun! HAHAH! some weird shooting game for girls, in this case is Marilyn tan. LOL What am I trying to say?! Anw, went to the MacDonald after that, bought a dk what berry cheesecake for Thomas from the MaCafe. And MacDonald's service is dam good lor, they provide us with candle and lighter. We wanted to sing birthday song for him, we sang halfway then Deston went to pick up a call. -.- There was a boy, very cute, he started waving to us then he gave us a flying kiss! Hahah so cute! Then after that go back lor.

Yes! 6B gathering on Wed! <3 Can't wait to see everyone!

Very messy, all the plates, rice lying around.lol

This is the amount of plate of sushi we ate in total. O.O

Marilyn tan's favourite! Music Gungun.



Hahah, that cute little boy. Flying kiss! HAHAH.

Je t'aime {}

Thursday, November 12, 2009 ; 10:03 PM {♥}

Tags replies

11 Nov 09, 18:40
JoeyOh: Coldplay*
11 Nov 09, 18:40
JoeyOh: Viva La Vida? The song by Colgplay or by Govi?
Erm, you mean written by who or what?

11 Nov 09, 21:58
Marilyn.T: Benjamin so nice ah?! I have newfound respect for him!
Don't know? Sometimes? He's not always THAT nice. LOL

11 Nov 09, 22:50
GERMAINE: Hello :D Tags :D
Hi (: Thx for tagging! ^^

12 Nov 09, 15:59
melissa~!: Hellooo iris! Lurvyoulots! <33
HELLLOOO melissa! <3

Went for band at around 12.30pm, dam suay. When I was about to open the door, it started to rain and I need to carry my instrument along too. I asked my maid to go with me, she carried my bag while I hug my instrument and carry the umbrella. Its like super difficult, it was raining outside and the pavements were like flooded, so I went to the mrt station in my slipper. lol The rain made the case become so "slippery" and I had difficulty to carry it and my umbrella, as if its going to slide off at any moment. Reached yio chu kang there is like dam sunny lor, wth.

Anw, went to the band room, realised that everyone is at the seminar room and we are having our practise today there. Put down my instrument, went down again to help carrying all those files and percussion etc. After that, Mr Alvin came, said that we were late and we spent too much time already so he asked us to bring everything down within 5 mins. Everybody chiong like siao, back and forth. The most difficult thing is to move the percussion, all so big and heavy. Case, instruments, bags, files etc, all must bring down, and everyone must be seated in the band room when he comes down to check. Chiong like crazy man, everyone sweating like mad.

Settled down in band room, did briefing, talked about how the different instruments shd be carried. Bla bla bla. We were told to bring everything up again to the seminar room in 5mins, and again, everyone chiong like siao. LOL Don't even have time to wear my shoes properly, nearly drop it when I was moving up the stairs, with like, two tenor sax-es(?) in my hands. When we have finished moving up everything up to the seminar room, I wanted to go and refill my bottle one lah, but Mr Alvin and Mr Sim were already reaching 4th floor, sianzx. Did akiyama warm up, scales, long notes etc. Halfway through the practise, we heard BB outside practicing the, idk what iszit called, and Mr Sim almost freaked out. Cos Mr Alvin, Mr Heng and him all can't stand that sound.lol We used to practice at the band room, and we can hear that sound from the parade square. Now we are at seminar room, 4th floor, they also came up to practice?! They love us so much? lol. Played ViVa La ViDa until the sch was about to close. And once again, we were told to move everything down to the band room again in 5mins, with your instruments kept in the cases, files and stands to be kept in the correct places and fall in outside. Chiong again, but this time round, some of the gates(?)/door(?) were already closed, so we have to walk one whole round in order to get to the first floor. Elise and I tried to carry the box from percussion session, very heavy, dk what's inside. And its dam hard to carry with the sharp edges at the bottom. But anw, after that I passed to SiYu, obviously he's stronger than us, he can carry that alone. Bla bla bla, then fall in. After that, waited for Firdaus to finish doing pumpings(for wearing wrong attire) so that I can get the council survey from him. Then went back with Cherylin and Elise.

On the way back, I checked my phone and there was a miss call from Benjamin, so I called him back, but he didn't pick up the phone. After that on the train, I took put my phone again, there was another miss call from him and I called back, he didn't pick up the phone again. LOL call here call there. I shall go and revise my concert scales noe, bye (:

Je t'aime {}

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 ; 12:18 PM {♥}

7 Nov 09, 16:03

Cynthia: Hello Iris! Taggedd! ;DD
Hello! Thx for tagging! ^^

9 Nov 09, 23:37

yujun: hello (:
Hello! See ya on 18 Nov! ;) 

Hey guys, its time to update  my blog again. Anw, my blog is dead so... Yesterday went back to sch for band, gonna learn a new piece ViVa La ViDa. This song is also Mr Sim's favourite, so if we are going to play badly, he will surely murder us.lol Actually nothing much. In the morning, we practised scales and had theory lesson etc. After that went for lunch with all the 1Faith ppl + Yew Woei (Timothy's gf) and Hui Qi. Timothy is afraid that I will eat him up iszit? Girls sit one table, guys sit one table. But we have more guys than girls and there's an empty seat at our table, Timothy would rather choose to stand up and eat than sitting at our table there with us. After lunch had sectionals, went to room 112. Everyone was asked to wear PE, and Qian Yu wore the yellow colour pe and the new pe shorts. He's like so tall while the shorts is really too short for him, somemore his legs are so fair, so its like kind of uncomfortable and funny when we first saw him in that. Halfway through, he went to the toilet to tuck in his shirt (we are suppose o do that) and when he came back, we all started laughing at him again. Guess what he asked me and Gina? Its a stupid qn.

Qian Yu: *turn over and look at me,  then at gina* Eh you two same mother uh?
Gina and I : DUH!
Qian Yu: Oh ya hor!
Gina and I: -.-"'

LOL! Did clapping for the song, as in the rhythm and Mr Sim came to spotcheck on us. He said must sit properly even though you are clapping, and why are we not sitting according to our section, tenors, alto and barri. haizz Went back to band room and got scolded, played abit of the new song. Oh ya, Mr Sim bought tuners for everyone, $30 each! He asked us to test out whether iszit working or not, and that Bai Yang was like, he took the microphone and said, "Mike test 1,2,3" WTH?! Everyone laughed like mad, we are supposed to clip that microphone on our instruments, the bell part. Guess what? One tenor mouthpiece is $260!!! My gosh, so ex.! If everybody also buy one mouthpiece, omg, $$$!!!
Drills were badly done, I guess. We stayed in that pumping position dk for how long, everyone's hands were already trembling. Sometimes even turn to the wrong side.lol Rushed home with my instrument as I hav a dinner to attend after that. Saw Benjamin at the platform, and he asked me to take the yishun train as he thinks that there will be less ppl, it turned out to be the same in the end. Alighted at yishun and boarded the next jurong east train, but Benjamin didnt get to get on the train cos it was really crowded but I have got to go first so he let me go first lor.LOL Btw, this is not the first time. Gtg and practise le, bye (:
~Looking forward to next wed...

Watch this (:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OInONiMdDTU

Je t'aime {}

Friday, November 6, 2009 ; 7:44 PM {♥}

Tags replies:

26 Oct 09, 16:37

ceris: hihi tagg
Hello (: Thx for tagging!

26 Oct 09, 17:37

Birdie: Tag and i link ya (:
Thanks ya! ^^

2 Nov 09, 21:55

Marilyn.T: I love corner seats! Hahah, you know me well babe. :X
Haha, of course! ;)

3 Nov 09, 10:48

melissa: hey hey! TAGGED~! tag me back worhs, thanks!
Hello hello! Thx for tagging! sure! ;D

4 Nov 09, 15:03

♥Gloria: tagged! happy hols
Thanks! You too (:

5 Nov 09, 22:20

This morning, I went to Toa Payoh to meet up with Kelsey, Yu Jun and Si Hui for movie. We were supposed to meet at Si Hui's house void deck, but I was late :X so they went to buy the tickets first. After I reached, I straightaway go to the cinema to meet them, but they were actually buying drinks from the koi shop, so I went to look for them. And I'm like so stupid? I didn't know there's a shortcut to the shop and I walked one whole big round.wth. Anw, I bought a medium size pearl milk tea with Kelsey, while Si Hui and Yu Jun went to buy the tickets first. They called us cos they said that the aunty said we must show them our own student pass before we can buy the student price ticket which is like so cheap? $5.50! and the theatre is like so empty?! I think there are less than 15 people? The timing was quit early lah, 11.30am, who will go and watch movie early in the morning? Okay, other than us.lol We went to watch My Girlfriend is An Agent, its a korean movie, quite nice and some of the parts were really funny and we can't even stop laughing.

The poster of the movie.

After the movie, we went to AMK hub to take neoprints (: Okay lah, you all think I must be crazy right, take MRT to another place just to take neo prints, but that is what we will always do when we go out and the nearest shop is at AMK hub. The neo prints were quite cheap, $9. I have already scanned in the neo prints, but they are quite blur so I won't post them here. After that, we decided to take photos but we couldn't think of any suitable spot, so in the end we went to the....HANDICAPPED TOILET! LOL!!  HAHAS! But we had a great time inside, HAHAH. LOL But the photos are really kindof blur so just bear with them, anw, I also posted them on the facebook which are clearer.

opps! forgot to off the flash.

Testing~ Kelsey's hand blocking :X

Still testing...

Got the idea from the photo taken at North Point with 1Faith (:

Kelsey and I

Me and Yu Jun

Si Hui and I

Can you see me?

BOO! Look at our LONGGG FRINGE! haha lols.

Je t'aime {}

Monday, November 2, 2009 ; 10:53 AM {♥}


Venue: East Coast Park
Time: 10am to 7pm (You can leave and come at any time)
How to get there: Its up to you, you can take MRT or bus, just make sure you reach there in the end.lol

Lunch: Everyone must bring something and must be sufficient for everyone to share, but please remember do not bring all chips.

Dinner: We will be going somewhere else to eat. No bbq this time, so nobody needs to pay for anything, just bring enough money for your dinner and food to share with the class (:

Things to bring: A new set of clothes(in case), money, yourself etc.

I hope you guys can attend as it has been quite some time since we last met, and it would be a good time to catch up with each other ^^

You can ask Zia, Sarah, Zara or Anderton for any info.

Seeya ;D

Je t'aime {}

Sunday, November 1, 2009 ; 3:11 PM {♥}

Oh ya, I still have some due photos taken from the Childcare centre, I think I will just post them here. (: The children there are really cute lor, although now I can’t really rmb whats their names :X

Je t'aime {}

th' laddyyyye {♥}
Me,Myself &! I.
♥ iloveyou :D

Friendly & Hyper
& i'm abnormal :D
1 yr-older on every 17 March
Pei Chun Public School-6B'08
Presbyterian High School 1Faith'09
Symphonic Band
Tenor-saxophonist :D
8th student council ^^
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You


cravings {♥}
please grant me !
{♥}Go to the same sec school as my best friends!(Cannot be fulfilled anymore)
{♥}Friends 4ever!
{♥}A new op or bilabong pencil case
{♥}New nike water bottle
{♥}New sch bag
{♥}myuk wallet
{♥}More colour pens!
{♥}Change specs (:
{♥}New phone
{♥}zinc haversack
{♥}New sch bag
{♥}Rebond my hair
{♥}1Faith Class Tee!
{♥}A trip to Japan
{♥}A trip to Korea
{♥}Grow taller ):
{♥}Meet primary sch friends again
{♥}Good grades
{♥}More money$$
{♥}Free Unlimited SMS-Contract
{♥}Slim down
{♥}Longer fringe

Chu Yin(:
Kang Wei
Kai Juin
Yun Yi♥♥
Jun Jie♥
Si Han♥
Yi Cong
Fan Yang(:
Sim Hong♥
Jing Yi
Yu Jun♥♥
Si Hui♥♥
Jing Mei♥
1 Faith'09
Iris xD
Xin Ni
She Teng(:
Amanda Lim
Marilyn Tan^^
Ghim Xin(:
Amanda Woon^^
Jing Ying(:
Marilyn Yeo(:
Chia Chuan(:
How Yi(:
Sheng Yao(:
Li Yang
Chin Rong
Lian Jian(:

Crappyy {♥}
no spamming pls. ty:D

Kiss Good-bye {♥}
byyyyyyyyyyyyyes ; (:
people viewing

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BloggerArchives & Italic font: ME(:
